Four Years Old
Four-year old children learn through hands-on activities. They mimic the behavior of others and act out these behaviors as visual and auditory learners. They are becoming responsible for themselves, and their little world around them, by helping to do small tasks their little hands can tackle. If given too many responsibilities too quickly, they might believe they are inadequate and can’t succeed.
Your child will receive continued education on preschool concepts such as days of the week, months of the year, colors, shapes and numbers. They will be introduced to letter recognition, beginning letter sounds, beginning writing skills, scissor skills, and other skills necessary to their next school experience. We teach directional skills such as standing in line, sitting for teacher led activities such as story time, taking turns, sharing, listening and being kind to one another. Every day learning through play is incorporated with fun activities from the Pinnacle Curriculum and weekly Bible theme focus.
Whether or it be Poetry Journals or “Show-N-Tell” Letter of the week, there are great opportunities for a child and parent to work side by side. (Check your lesson plans that come home weekly.)
Therefore, knowing how much they can handle is what Seven Branches does best. Our teachers know these little ones want to help, they need to be reminded, and they need to be shown over and over what to do and how to do it. Seven Branches’ staff helps them to make good decisions about being a good listener, a good friend and learning to share.
These children develop social interaction skills by daily learning experiences at school and home. These skills are displayed throughout the room, helping them promote self-regulation and social/emotional growth.